Lab Culture and Mentorship

A plurality of views strengthens the science that we do. Our lab cherishes the creativity and value that comes from having lab members from different personal, cultural, and scientific backgrounds.

We expect all lab members to learn from the challenges and lived experiences of their fellow coworkers. We respect differences of opinion in the lab and believe that everyone in the lab contributes uniquely to the social and intellectual environment.

We further do not tolerate any words or actions that explicitly discriminates or implicitly devalues any lab members for any aspect of their identity. We expect all lab members to adhere to the MIT Handbook Nondiscrimination Policy. This includes discrimination on the basis of race, color, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, and age. We recognize that certain words and actions may create a hostile or unwelcoming environment, even if conducted with the best of intent. We push ourselves to educate each other on the ways our actions impact others from different backgrounds and create an environment in which all can feel welcome.


Dr. Heiman is committed to developing and tailoring individual mentorship and development plans in collaboration with each trainee, in order to best support their individual future goals.