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Shi, S.M., Suh, R.J., Shon D.J., Garcia, F.J., Buff, J.K.., Atkins, M., Li, L., Lu N., Sun, B., Luo, J., To, N.S., Cheung, T.H., McNerney, M.W., Heiman, M., Bertozzi, C.R., and Wyss-Coray, T. (2025). Nature, preprint.
Sathitloetsakun, S. and Heiman, M. (2025). Nature Genetics, 57(2):281-282.
Garcia, F.J. and Heiman, M. (2025). Molecular Neurodegeneration, 20(1):13.
Pena, I.A., Shi, J.S., Chang, S.M., Yang, J., Block, S., Adelmann, C.H., Keys, H.R., Ge, P., Bathla, S., Witham, I.H., Sienski, G., Nairn, A.C., Sabatini, D.M., Lewis, C.A., Kory, N., Vander Heiden, M.G., and Heiman, M. (2025). Nature Communications, 16(1):978.
Bonev, B., Castelo-Branco, G., Chen F., Codeluppi, S., Corces, M.R., Fan, J., Heiman, M., Harris, K., Inoue, F., Kellis, M., Levine, A., Lotfollahi, M., Luo, C., Maynard, K.R., Nitzan, M., Ramani, V., Satijia, R., Schirmer, L., Shen, Y., Sun, N., Green, G.S., Theis, F., Wang, X., Welch, J.D., Gokce, O., Konopka, G., Liddelow, S., Macosko, E., Ali Bayraktar, O., Habib, N., and Nowakowski, T.J. (2024). Nature Neuroscience, 27(12):2292-2309.
Ament, S., Campbell, R., Lobo, M.K., Receveur, J., Agrawal, K., Borjabad, A., Chang, L., Clarke, D., Cleary, J., Byrareddy, S., Emani, P., Gabuzda, D., Gaulton, K., Giglio, M., Giorgi, F., Gok, B., Guda, C., Hadas, E., Herb, B.R., Hu, W., Huttner, A., Ishmam, M., Jacobs, M., Kelschenbach, J., Kim, D.-W., Lee, C., Liu, X., Liu, S., Madras, B., Mahurkar, A., Mash, D., Mukamel, E., Niu, M., O’Connor, R., Pagan, C., Pang, A., Pillai, P., Repunte-Canonigo, V., Ruzicka, W.R., Stanley, J., Tickle, T., Tsai, S.-Y., Wang, A., Wills, L., Wilson, A., Wright, S., Xu, S., Yang, J., Zand, M., Zhang, L., Zhang, J., Akbarian, S., Buch, S., Cheng, C., Corley, M., Fox, H., Gerstein, M., Gummuluru, S., Heiman, M., Ho, Y.-C., Kellis, M., Kenny, P., Kluger, Y., Milner, T., Moore, D., Morgello, S., Ndhlovu, L., Rana, T., Sanna, P.P., Satterlee, J., Sestan, N., Spector, S., Spudich, S., Tilgner, H., Volsky, D., White, O., Williams, D., and Zeng, H. (2024). Molecular Psychiatry, 29(12):3950-3961.
Garcia-Montojo, M., Fathi, S., Rastegar C, Simula, E.R., Doucet-O’Hare, T., Cheng, Y.H.H., Abrams, R.P.M., Pasternack, N., Malik, N., Bachani, M., Disanza, B., Maric, D., Lee, M.H., Wang, H., Santamaria, U., Li, W., Sampson, K., Lorenzo, J.R., Sanchez, I.E., Mezghrani, A., Li, Y., Sechi, L.A., Pineda, S., Heiman, M., Kellis, M., Steiner, J., and Nath, A. (2024). Nature Communications, 15(1):4163.
Pineda, S.S., Lee, H., Ulloa-Navas, M.J., Linville, R.M., Garcia, F.J., Galani, K., Engelberg-Cook, E., Castanedes, M.C., Fitzwalter, B.E., Pregent, L.J., Gardashli, M.E., Morales-Gallel, R., Garcia-Verdugo, J.M., DeTure, M., Vera-Garcia, D.V., Hucke, A.T.S., Oskarsson, B.E., Murray, M.E., Dickson, D.W., Heiman, M., Belzil, V.V., and Kellis, M. (2024). Cell, 187(8):1971-1989.e16.
Editors: X. Yang, W., Thompson, L.M., and Heiman, M. 1st Edition – February 7, 2024; Elsevier; ISBN: 9780323956727.
Fame, R.M., Kalugin, P.N., Petrova, B., Xu, H., Soden, P.A., Shipley, F.B, Dani, N., Grant, B., Pragana, A., Head, J.P., Gupta, S., Shannon, M.L., Chifamba, F.F., Hawks-Mayer, H., Vernon, A., Gao, F., Zhang, Y., Holtzman, M.J., Heiman, M., Andermann, M.L., Kanarek, N., Lipton, J.O., and Lehtinen, M.K. (2023). Nature Communications, 14 (1), 3720.
Matsushima, A., Pineda, S.S., Crittenden, J.R., Lee, H., Galani, K., Mantero, J., Tombaugh, G., Kellis, M., Heiman, M., and Graybiel, A.M. (2023) Nature Communications 14, 282.
Guillén-Samander, A., Wu, Y., Pineda, S.S., Garcia, F.J., Eisen, J.N., Leonzino, M., Ugur, B., Kellis, M., Heiman, M., and De Camilli, P. (2022) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 119(35):e2205425119.
Lee, H. and Heiman, M. (2022). Neuron, 110(7):1087-1089.
Garcia, F.J., Sun, N., Lee, H., Godlewski, B., Mathys, H., Galani, K., Zhou, B., Jiang, X., Ng, A.P., Mantero, J., Tsai, L.-H., Bennett, D.A., Sahin, M., Kellis, M. and Heiman, M. (2022). Nature, 603(7903):893-899.
Kwon, J-T., Ryu, C., Lee, H., Sheffield, A., Fan, J., Cho, D.H., Bigler, S., Sullivan, H. A., Choe, H. K., Wickersham, I. R., Heiman, M., and Choi, G. B. (2021). Nature, 593(7857):114-118.
Megret, L., Gris, B., Nair, S.S., Cevost, J., Wertz, M., Aaronson, J., Rosinski, J., Vogt, T.F., Wilkinson, H., Heiman, M., Neri, C. (2021). eLife, 10:e64984.
Xu, H., Fame, R.M., Sadegh, C., Sutin, J., Naranjo, C., Syau, D., Cui, J., Shipley, F.B., Vernon, A., Gao, F., Zhang, Y., Holtzman, M., Heiman, M., Warf, B.C., Lin, P.-Y, and Lehtinen, M.K. (2021). Nature Communications, 12(1):447.
Lee, H., Fenster, R.J., Pineda, S.S.P., Gibbs, W.S., Mohammadi, S., Davila-Velderrain, J., Garcia, F.G., Therrien, M., Novis, H.S., Gao, F., Wilkinson, H., Vogt, T., Kellis, M, LaVoie, M.J., Heiman M. (2020). Neuron 107, 1-18.
Roussarie, J-P., Yao, V., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, P., Oughtred, R., Rust, J., Plautz, Z., Kasturia, S., Albornoz, C., Wang, W., Schmidt, E.F., Dannenfelser, R., Tadych, A., Brichta, L., Barnea-Cramer, A., Heintz, N., Hof, P.R., Heiman, M., Dolinski, K., Flajolet, M., Troyanskaya, O.G., Greengard P. (2020). Neuron 107, 1-15.
Wertz, M. H., Pineda, S. S., Lee H., Kulicke, R., Kellis, M., Heiman, M. (2020). Molecular Neurodegeneration. 15(1):29.
Wertz, M. H., Mitchem, M. R., Pineda, S. S., Hachigia, L. J. , Lee, H., Lau, V., Powers, A., Kulicke, R., Madan, G. K., Colic, M., Therrien, M., Vernon, A., Beja-Glasser, V. F., Hegde, M., Gao, F., Kellis, M., Hart, T., Doench, J. G., Heiman, M. (2020). Neuron 106, 1-14.
Siciliano, C.A., Noamany, H., Chang, C.-J., Brown, A.R., Chen, X., Leible, X., Lee J.J., Wang, J., Vernon, A.N., Vander Weele, C.M., Kimchi, E.Y., Heiman, M., and Tye, K.M. (2019). Science 366, 1008-1012.
Dvela-Levitt, M., Kost-Alimova, M., Emani, M., Kohnert, E., Thompson, R., Sidhom, E.-H., Rivadeneira, A., Sahakian, N., Roignot, J., Papagregoriou, G., Montesinos, M.S., Clark, A.R., McKinney, D., Gutierrez, J., Rot,h M., Ronco, L., Elonga, E., Carter, T.A., Gnirke, A., Melanson, M., Hartland, K., Wieder, N., Hsu, J.C.H., Deltas, C., Hughey, R., Bleyer, A.J., Kmoch, S., Živná, M., Barešova, V., Kota, S., Schlondorff, J., Heiman, M., Alper, S.L., Wagner, F., Weins, A., Golub, T.R., Lander, E.S., and Greka, A. (2019). Cell 178, 521–535.
Sudmant, P.H., Lee, H., Dominguez, D., Heiman, M., and Burge. C,B. (2018). Cell Reports 9, 2447-2456.
Clarke, L.E., Liddelow, S.A., Chakraborty, C., Münch, A.E., Heiman, M., and Barres, B.A. (2018). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115, E1896-E1905.
Hachigian, L.J., Carmona, V., Fenster, R.J., Kulicke, R., Heilbut, A., Sittler, A., Pereira de Almeida, L., Mesirov, J.P., Gao, F., Kolaczyk, E.D., and Heiman, M. (2017). Cell Reports 21, 2688-2695.
Pirhaji, L., Milani, P., Dalin, S., Wassie, B.T., Dunn, D., Fenster, R.J., Avila-Pacheco, J., Greengard, P., Clish, C.B., Heiman, M., Lo, D., and Fraenkel, E. (2017). Nature Communications 8, 623.
Therrien, M. and Heiman, M. (2017). Neuron 95, 1232-1233.
Wertz, M., and Heiman, M. Genome Editing in Neurosciences, Springer. In Press.
Li, Z., Kelly, L., Heiman, M., Greengard, P., and Friedman, J.M. (2016). Cell Metabolism 23, 945.
Nie, D., Chen, Z., Ebrahimi-Fakhari, D., Di Nardo, A., Julich, K., Robson, V.K., Cheng, Y.C., Woolf, C.J., Heiman, M., and Sahin, M. (2015). Journal of Neuroscience 35, 10762-72.
Uematsu, K., Heiman, M., Zelenina, M., Padovan, J., Chait, B.T., Aperia, A., Nishi, A., and Greengard, P. (2015). Journal of Neurochemistry 132, 677-86.
Shema, R., Kulicke, R., Cowley, G.S., Stein, R., Root, D.E., and Heiman, M. (2015) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112, 268-72.
Sagi, Y., Heiman, M., Peterson, J.D., Musatov, S., Scarduzio, M., Logan, S.M., Kaplitt, M.G., Surmeier, D.J., Heintz, N., and Greengard, P. (2014) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 111, 17636-41.
Fieblinger, T., Graves, S.M., Sebel, L.E., Alcacer, C., Plotkin, J.L., Gertler, T.S., Chan, C.S., Heiman, M., Greengard, P., Cenci, M.A., and Surmeier, D.J. (2014). Nature Communications 5, 5316.
Heiman, M., Kulicke, R., Fenster, R.J., Greengard, P., and Heintz, N. (2014) Nature Protocols 9, 1282-91.
Heiman, M., Heilbut, A., Francardo, V., Kulicke, R., Fenster, R.J., Kolaczyk, E.D., Mesirov, J.P., Surmeier, D.J., Cenci, M.A., and Greengard, P. (2014) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 111, 4578-83.
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Lerner, A.G., Upton, J.P., Praveen, P.V., Ghosh, R., Nakagawa, Y., Igbaria, A., Shen, S., Nguyen, V., Backes, B.J., Heiman, M., Heintz, N., Greengard, P., Hui, S., Tang, Q., Trusina, A., Oakes, S.A., and Papa, F.R. (2012) Cell Metabolism 16, 250-64.
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Heiman, M., Schaefer, A., Gong, S., Peterson, J.D., Day, M., Ramsey, K.E., Suárez-Fariñas, M., Schwarz, C., Stephan, D.A., Surmeier, D.J., Greengard, P., and Heintz, N. (2008) Cell 135, 738-48.
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