Linville, RaleighHe/him
NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein Individual National Research Service Award
Postdoctoral Fellow

    43 Vassar Street, Room: 46-4303
    Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139


    Education & Training

    Boston University
    B.S., Biomedical Engineering

    Johns Hopkins University
    Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering

    Short Biography

    Raleigh received his B.S. degree at Boston University and his Ph.D. degree at Johns Hopkins University, both in Biomedical Engineering.  His research has focused on microvascular tissue engineering.  In the Tien Group at Boston University, he developed techniques to generate in vitro capillary-scale microvessels, while in the Searson Group at Johns Hopkins University he developed stem cell-derived in vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier.  These models were leveraged to enable studies of tissue vascularization, drug delivery, neurodegeneration, and microenvironmental regulation of blood-brain barrier phenotype. Raleigh joined the Heiman Lab in 2021 as a post-doc and hopes to better understand and model the diversity of the human blood-brain barrier across zones, aging, and neurodegenerative disease.

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